In addition to randomly saying words, in the last few weeks J has picked up a couple words he says somewhat consistently (like "ball" and "go")...but his "best" word???? Get this... is.... BACKPACK.
He says it clearly.. pointing to his back... whenever he sees his older brother's backpack or when he watches Dora the Explorer. Hmm. Someone please explain to me how my child's mind works????
He still doesn't call me Mom or Mama... though he does call his dad Daddy... when he feels like it.
This kid......
...he's unique..that's for sure...
He's the best helper around the house it's a good trade-off. He puts away toys, swiffers, vaccuums with the swivel sweeper... puts papers and bottles in recycling... and throws away everything (okay.. that last is actually occasionally a problem.. though he's finally stopped throwing away all of our bowls and silverware)
Have to go put the angel down for his nap now....
...maybe I'll give an update on kid#1 next time. (His updates usually require photos though...)